Kia Kaha, Kia Ora | Be Active, Be Well

Sport Hawke's Bay is proud to partner with Sport New Zealand to distribute over $680,000 to our Hawke's Bay region through the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund.

What is the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund? 

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is a partnership between Sport NZ and Regional Sports Trusts. The fund aims to support programmes or projects that focus on play, active recreation and sport experiences for tamariki and rangatahi. These may be new or already operating. We welcome applications from a wide range of organisations that provide play, active recreation and sport opportunities for tamariki and rangatahi, particularly:   

  • Children and young people in higher deprivation communities
  • Girls and young women (5-18)
  • Disabled children and young people (5-18)

Sport Hawke's Bay offers two funds for the community, a bi-monthly Fast Fund (up to $10,000) and the Full Fund which has two closing dates (up to $30,000).

Please check the dates on the specifc tabs for more information.

Who can apply?

We welcome applications from the following organisation types (please note, funded entities must have legal status): 

  • Hapū, Iwi, Marae, Māori organisations
  • Incorporated Societies
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Regional or Local Council
  • For-profit businesses/commercial organisations and social enterprises
  • Education settings
    • Primary/Intermediate schools/Kura
    • Secondary schools/Wharekura
    • Tertiary Education/Whare Wānanga

Where an organisation or group wishes to apply but has no legal status, we recommend that you consider partnering with a qualifying (legal) entity. 

Where a project or programme is to be delivered during class time in a school/kura only the school/kura can apply for funding, and the school form below must be completed.

For activity in a school setting, either before/after school or during lunchtime and breaks, applications can be submitted by any organisation

Who cannot apply?

  • National organisations who already receive Partnership Investment from Sport NZ
  • Government agencies and their regional branches (e.g. Ministry of Health, Oranga Tamariki)
  • Early Learning Services
  • Professional or semi-professional sports teams and organisations
  • Individuals